It can be used to prevent the frequent motion of shunt capacitor switch and power transformer's step switch, or the regulating oscillation in critical zone, caused by power system disturbance on load sudden change. 能有效地防止因系统扰动或负荷短时突变导致并联电容器组开关、主变压器分接开关频繁动作,或在临界区域调节振荡。
The stress intensity factor of twin cantilever beam can be approximated by a periodic function under tensile step load. The change cycle is as the same as the displacement cycle of loading point, and is a function of prefabricated crack. 双悬臂梁DCB试样模型在拉伸阶跃载荷的作用下,应力强度因子的动载系数可以近似用一个周期函数表示,它的变化周期与载荷加载点的位移变化周期相同。